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Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for Five Rivers Environmental Education Center

A groundbreaking ceremony was held for a new visitor center at the Five Rivers Environmental Education Center in Delmar, New York. The $7 million project will serve as an active learning site for natural resource and environmental topics as well as a model for green building techniques. The project includes a new 9,500-sq. ft. single story frame structure that fits within the architectural and site context of the surrounding community. The new building will be more than double the size of the existing center. MJ provided site/civil design, environmental engineering and landscape architecture for this project.

Sustainable innovative green design was emphasized for both the building and grounds, and incorporated in ways that will provide visitors with an observable and interactive learning experience. The design includes an evaluation of the treatment facilities and their ability to meet NYSDEC Stormwater Management Design Standards. MJ evaluated the design to determine compliance with NYSDEC and LEED standards for stormwater. MJ also prepared a narrative describing the stormwater treatment practices and how the practices comply with NYSDEC and LEED requirements. An existing geothermal heating and cooling system in the Suozzo building will be used for the new building, which will also feature solar power, a green roof made of earth and plants, a rainwater and graywater collection system for toilets, and energy-efficient LED lighting. The project will qualify for LEED certification.

Located in Albany County, Five Rivers began as a state-run game farm but was converted into an environmental education center in 1970. Covering more than 400 acres, it includes 12 miles of trails and interior roads, 16 ponds and wetlands, and expanses of forest, field and brush habitats. Five Rivers has had 3.6 million visitors since it opened in 1972. State officials hope the project will not only draw new visitors but also repeat visitors to the center.


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