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Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Funding

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo recently announced the Clean Water Infrastructure Act of 2017 to invest a record $2 billion in critical water infrastructure across New York State. This historic investment in drinking water infrastructure, wastewater infrastructure and source water protection actions will enhance community health and wellness, safeguard our most important water resources, and create jobs. Funding for projects will prioritize regional and watershed level solutions, and incentive consolidation and sharing of water and wastewater services.

The $2 billion Clean Water Infrastructure Act will provide the capital dollars needed to upgrade municipal drinking water systems, improve municipal wastewater systems, and protect drinking water at its source. In addition to incentivizing shared services, funding will also prioritize bottom-up, community based planning at the regional and watershed level. Funded actions will include: Municipal Drinking Water System Advancements; Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems Improvements; and Source Water Protection Actions.

MJ’s diverse team of engineers and planners is committed to designing water and wastewater improvements to deliver safe drinking water to residents and improve environmental protection of our natural resources. Our primary goal is to design the most functional project possible while adhering to the budget and schedule.

MJ has been providing municipal engineering since 1979 and has become one of our largest markets. We work closely with major state and federal funding programs allowing us to create an extensive knowledge base and valuable funding program contacts. Once funding has been procured, we remain proactive in maintaining the comprehensive goals of the community on an ongoing basis. MJ can assist communities in completing engineering reports, environmental reviews (SEQR) and district formation services to prepare for funding opportunities.

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